Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31, 2010: Two Crazy Boys Eager to Play in the Snow

Choosing today's picture was tough, because I had a few good ones. Even if this one reveals that I don't know how to work my camera in different lighting conditions, I just love what it says about the relationship of a boy and his dog. J snapped this during lunch as L and the dog stared longingly at the snow outside. Yes, we finally got out there, and the kids had a good time playing and doing their best to help shovel snow. The dog played too, and he was in heaven, but his good times were short lived, because he was a little too energetic for the neighbor kids, so I had to put him in the yard.

January 30, 2010: Chocolate Peanut Butter Cream-of-Oat-Wheat-Meal

I wanted to try cooking oatmeal in the crock pot over night, but genius that I am, I forgot to plug it in, so it was well soaked but not cooked in the morning. My little girl (C, age 3) protested the very suggestion that she should eat oatmeal, and L (pictured) said he'd only eat cream of wheat. So I dumped the soaked oatmeal in a pot, brought it to a boil, and added some cream of wheat. L saw the cream of wheat go in, so he was satisfied. When C protested that she didn't want cream of wheat OR oatmeal, I assured her this was something different altogether--it's chocolate peanut butter cream of oat wheat meal! Of course! She heard chocolate somewhere in there, so all was good. They ate, and they were happy.

January 29, 2010: A Temporary Escape From the Four Walls of My Office

I went to a net neutrality debate/forum at the National Press Club today. It was very good, and yes, it gave me an itch to do more policy work. It was very cold, but I wasn't in the mood to wait for a cab, so I walked. I was glad I did; it's always good to walk past the White House, no matter who happens to be living in it when I do.

January 28, 2010: A Home Gym

Yup, that's it, my home gym. Oh, I almost forgot, I also have a pull up bar and a 35 pound kettlebell. Um, no, the purple dumbbells are not mine. I improvised tonight; I worked out at home, because I got home late, and J had plans with a friend, so I couldn't sneak out to go to the gym. Much to my surprise, I ended up having a pretty good workout.

January 27, 2010: Eggs One Way

I like eggs in the morning--it's a great way to get the day going in a high protein way, and no, they won't give you a heart attack.  I got sick of eating them hard boiled; now I'm sick of eating them scrambled.  Oh well, I think I've exhausted my eggs repertory, but I'm more interested in being strong and feeling good than in having an entertaining breakfast.  If I wanted fun for breakfast, I could always eat something from a box with a cartoon character on it.

January 26, 2010: What's in it? What's Not?

Plain Greek yogurt, mango, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, banana, almond butter, milk, chocolate protein powder, and some ice cubes to keep it smooth = good post-workout nutrition.

January 25, 2010: Two Crazy Kids, Part II

Again, can you see the madness? L likes to take off his shirt after he goes to bed. Is he five or 16? He also recently made the switch to boxer shorts, and he's pretty certain that he's not going back to those confining and cutting briefs. What can I say? He's a genius. Most gents don't figure that universal truth out until they're much older.

January 24, 2010: Two Crazy Kids

Believe it or not, their beds looked good when they went to bed.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 23, 2010: A Visit to Sherwood Forrest

Because mom is in Miami with the baby, I got to take my little girl to a great Robin Hood themed 3rd birthday party. This pic is a few of the kids (C is in front) doing a reenactment of sorts of the parade in Robin Hood, complete with appropriate Robin Hood music and costumes.

Friday, January 22, 2010

January 22, 2010: My Culinary Skills Redeemed

After yesterday's incident, I was in desperate need of culinary redemption, and I found it in today's lunch: one can of wild Alaskan salmon, an avocado, a yellow bell pepper, 1/2 cup of kidney beans, and some balsamic vinegar, salt, and pepper. It made for a muscle-friendly concoction that was also worthy of the palate.

January 21, 2010: Debacle Defined

I believe debacle is generally defined as a great disaster or failure. I have a new definition: a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and cheap chocolate protein powder mixed together with water. I haven't vomited since I was a kid, but I thought I was about to experience it for the first time as an adult after my last gulp of this awful mixture.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010: Progress

I almost skipped my workout today, but as Woody Allen said, eighty percent of success is showing up. I showed up, and in week 5 of my program, I came within one rep of a goal I hoped to accomplish by the end of week 16.

January 19, 2010: Is This Her Way of Telling Me She Wants a Bigger House?

This was my view as I walked up the stairs to get ready for bed. My bike had been booted from the guest bedroom-turned nursery. No, I don't have a place to put it outside where it will be safe from the ravages of weather and thieves. A man (and apparently a woman too) needs a garage.

Monday, January 18, 2010

January 18, 2010: A Day at the Museum

Work didn't follow me home this weekend, so I got to spend a full day with the family. We started with a great breakfast with friends and then went to the American History Museum in DC.

January 17, 2010

I gave little C his pacifier, and he somehow managed to hook it in his thumb and pull it out. He then found his thumb to suck on but still had his pacifier hooked to his thumb.

January 16, 2010: Kid Night Chaos at Our House

Our night to watch kids tonight--always chaos, but it's worth it (right?) to get 4 weeks of free babysitting in between turns with all the little milkbreaths.

January 15, 2010: Wave to Abe

I drove to work today. People who live in DC quickly take for granted how cool it really is to get views like this just driving home from work.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 14, 2010: Too Late For The Gym

I hate working out that late--it interferes with sleep--but hey, at least I went.

January 13, 2010: Mustached Girl Wants Big House

I really need an iPhone. This grainy picture doesn't do C's hot chocolate mustache justice. Since reading the Dr. Sears NDD book, I've been trying to feed the kids a real breakfast. The kids got some "fun food" with their "grow food" today, hence the mustache. Right after I took this picture, C said, "can us get a big house? I want a big house to hold lot of stuff--I just like too much stuff." Apparently, I have two women under my roof now who are going to harangue me about needing more house.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010: No Samples on Tuesdays

Yes, I shop for groceries; sometimes I take a kid with me. Is that a good thing or or do I need to renegotiate my contract? I escaped the office early, we needed some vittles, and mom wanted a bath and an early bedtime, so little C and I went to Costco. So far I've taken pictures of my laptop, my baby boy, and said boy with said laptop. Wow...responsible adulthood in suburbia at its finest.

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11, 2010: Restaurant Week on Someone Else's Tab

I worked instead of sleeping over the weekend and was glued to the mattress this morning, so I got a late start on the day--not a good way to start out a very busy day. We had another first year associate start today though, so a few of us went to lunch with him at Kinkead's. It's not a place I've ever been when I was paying, but it's restaurant week, so they have a reduced price fixed menu. I had a great (but very small) piece of grilled mahi mahi.

January 10, 2010: Oh What a Feeling!

Wasn't that the old Toyota jingle? We finally got around to selling the Matrix. We drove to Rocky Gap State Park to make the hand off to some good friends from Pittsburgh who bought it. (It was 22 degrees and windy, but that didn't discourage the kids from running around and playing in snow.) Now maybe we can retire a few more dollars' worth of debt, eh?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9, 2010: Work Life Balance or You Can't Serve Two Masters?

The missus tried to leave me with the little guy while she went to a movie and I worked. She saw her movie; I did very little work. Junior started yelling at me as soon as mom was out the door. Mom's break ended sooner than planned when I asked her to come rescue my career from the the infant's grip. (Note to self: try to minimize the number of pics of a computer in your lap--they reveal how boring you are!)

January 8, 2010: Yes, that's my dog. Yes, he's in a bed.

With a blanket no less. Not the toughest dog, I know.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January 7, 2010: Commute = Reading Time

I hate the metro, but it does give me the chance to read something other than FCC orders and court opinions, so it can't be all bad. Reading a book about nutrition and food's effect on kids' development. It's a good one, and we'll definitely be extending the positive changes mom and dad are trying to make to our kids.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5th, 2010: A Conversation With a 9-Week Old

I came home from a very average day at the office and found the little guy very happy to see me and excited to tell me all about it. How could that not make my day?

Monday, January 4, 2010

January 4, 2010: Back to the Office

I planned to go to the gym before work in time to get to the office bright and early. Instead, I slept in, pushed the workout until tonight, and arrived to work late. Today's picture is a visual representation of one of the areas of my life I plan to improve this year--organization.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 1, 2010: Happy New Year!

From Inanity 365: My Life in Daily Photos

New Year's Day--celebrated with a game on the TV, the omnipresent billable hour in my lap, and my little girl playing on the floor.

January 3, 2010: Contemplating the New Year

The first Sunday at church in 2010; always a good place to think a bit about which direction I want the New Year road to lead.

January 2, 2010: I Still Don't Like Shopping Malls

We stopped by the mall to get Luke a haircut. Of course, we ended up wandering around long enough for me to be reminded that I've hated the mall since I was 10.