Monday, May 31, 2010

May 31, 2010: U.S. National Whitewater Center

We visited my brother's family in Charlotte for the Memorial Day weekend.  My brother wanted to go do some rodeo rafting at the U.S. National Whitewater Center, but we didn't really have time, and it was raining, so we just went to check it out.  The place is amazing, and yes, I, the guy who has seen scant few adventure sports that don't appeal to me, really walked away from the place with a an itch to try whitewater kayaking.  I'll probably be suffering from that itch for quite a while as it seems I have a tendency for taking interests in sports that are just a bit too intense to capture my good wife's interest.  That's a bad thing, as any wife can probably attest, because couples and families either play together, apart, or not at all, and my wife holds a strong preference for the together version (as do I, for the record).  For reasons I can't understand, she thinks sending toddlers down rapids in kayaks sounds imprudent.  She's been taking tennis lessons, can't understand why I'm not interested in it, and wants us to learn to golf together.  Hmmm.  I'm sure golf would be fun, but it's expensive--just think of all the kayaks, kite-boards, and bikes we wouldn't be able to afford if we spent our lives and play money on something like golf. ;-)  Plus, there's an amazing amount of water around DC, and doesn't this look like more fun than golf?  Actually, my top goal in the action sports department is to finally get a boat. Once that happens, I'm sure there will be little time to learn new sports like whitewater kayaking (or golf).

Friday, May 21, 2010

May 21, 2010: Smooth Water is for What?

Waterskiing, of course.  How awesome would it be to cut that up?  (Taken on the way to work)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May 14, 2010: Fire in a Flood

L and I went on a "father and sons" campout with a bunch of folks from church.  It was hot and muggy when we got there, and skies were clear.  Not 30 minutes after we got camp set up and the dutch ovens were ovening, we got hit with the worst deluge I've seen in a very long time.  Hail stones were the size of large marbles, and kids and tents were soaked.  My tent held up, but one poor guy unknowingly pitched his tent in the middle of a flash flood's path to the Potomac.  His door was even open to welcome the stream's flow right inside.  Needless to say, the coals on the ovens were drenched.  As you can see from the picture, that didn't stop the cooks. 

Thursday, May 13, 2010

May 13, 2010: Blame Gadget Overload

I've been a terrible slacker about this "daily" photo blog.  I still have a bunch of pictures from a couple of months ago that I need to post.  What's my problem?  Gadgets.  First, the pictures I've already taken are sitting on the wife's desktop.  To post them, therefore, I have to make a point of sitting down at her computer for a while.  Second, I'm very disenchanted with my Blackberry Pearl.  It's great for the job for which it's intended, but I got my better half a new smart phone, the HTC HD2, and now I hate my Blackberry, which has thoroughly dissuaded me from using it to take pictures.  The HD2 has a built-in 5 megapixel camera, you see, and I can load pics directly from it to this blog.  Yes, the Blackberry does that too, but again, its 2 megapixel camera sucks.  My other excuse?  I left our good camera hanging on the dugout fence at a t-ball game, so we were camera-less for a while.  I replaced it with the Sony in the picture above, and it's quite compact, so I'll have to kick myself into gear and start packing it around with me more.  The biggest discouraging factor there, however, is the fact that I have to find the time to sit down at a computer at home to load the pictures.  Notwithstanding my excuses, I'll get back on top of this blog idea soon.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

May 9, 2010: 2-wheeling on Mom's Day

Dad and the kids got out of the house to let mom take a well-deserved nap on mother's day.  L is a little to big for a balance bike, but the kid needs to lose the training wheels, so I improvised.  I pulled off the training wheels and put a pad on his frame so he could sit low enough to easily touch the ground with his feet.  That wasn't enough, so I removed the pedals.  That did the trick.  After an hour or so, he was scooting around confidently and coasting 5 or 6 feet at a time.  If the kid could just do that every day for a week, he'd probably be able to pedal away on two wheels like a pro.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

May 8, 2010: A Miniature Garden

If things go as planned, we'll have tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zuchini, eggplant, and cilantro.

Monday, May 3, 2010

May 2, 2010: Breakfast of Champions

Eggs, venison tenderloin, and slice of orange.  Just looking at this picture will make you stronger.