Friday, March 26, 2010

February 20, 2010: Sunrise Over the Tidal Basin

Yes. I'm very behind, but I've been taking pictures, and I'll catch up, not that anybody who once was paying attention to my little experiment is still looking.  Mornings like this one remind me why I would like to go to bed early enough to be the morning person my DNA wants me to be.


  1. That is a beautiful picture. Are you telling us that you didn't get the Brian jeans and get up at 6am every day wether you had 8 hours of sleep or 4? I wish that you could tell Andy how to sleep in-his constant waking up at 6 on the weekends, drives me nuts.

  2. I think this was a really fun idea. I have been keeping up with your blog even though I don't always post a comment. Don't give up. Mom M.
