Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6, 2010: Yes, I Did


  1. wow. that is pretty sweet. but i can't see julie's hair blowing in the wind until you put the second seat on :)

  2. You came up with some pretty good excuses why you need the bike. It is pretty and sounds scary. On the freeway? Wear your helmet and some armor. Dad said you would expect this kind of reaction from us. Just be careful. I want you to live longer than me. Love you lots and lots! Mom

  3. Yeah, well, thanks mom. I'm only a few days into it, but I can tell you with certainty that my stupid impulses have nearly disappeared since last time I owned a motorcycle. I guess 15 years, a wife, three kids, and three college degrees will do that to a guy.

  4. You better not die on that thing or I'll kill you! Just kidding! I try not to think about it...at all. The only problem is that I hear it a mile down the road.
