Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 30, 2011: Pittsburgh Day 2--Old Friends and Milk

Day 2 of the Pittsburgh visit--our kids and our friends' kids. This bunch of milkbreaths represent the biggest and most meaningful way our life has grown since we moved to the DC area in 2002. Some of our first friends in DC were S and K. We didn't have any kids yet, and neither did they. Both couples were relative newlyweds. Since then, between the two families, we've brought five kids into the world, finished educations, launched careers, bought houses, K and S moved to Pittsburgh--it's amazing how much life changes so quickly, and it's good to have loyal friends with whom we can experience all of those life changes along the way.


  1. Awwww...we loved having you and miss you already!

  2. I also love it how the house doesn't looked trashed in this pic! Good photography! ;)
