Thursday, August 5, 2010

August 5, 2010: An Unwelcome Reminder of Why I Quit the Metro

I finally pedaled in again today. It felt great and was even fun, but I wasn't really in the mood to ride home in severe thunderstorms, so I opted for the Metro instead. Big mistake. I stood on the platform for 45 minutes just waiting to get on a train. That is bad for anybody, but it's even worse for big sweaty guys like me. I could have ridden my bike the 18 miles to my car twice in the time it took to take the metro (and I wouldn't have sweat more than I did on the Metro).


  1. ugh...waiting + crowds + heat = NO FUN

  2. Your a chip off the old block--Dad and me! Now I just need a bike. Ha! Ha! That is why I take my car everywhere! Mom
