Saturday, February 13, 2010

February 11, 2010: Are You Serious?

According to the scale, I now weigh more than I have since I was 19 years old. I know I'm fatter this time, because today I did working sets of bench presses with more than 100 pounds less than I was able to lift back then. Oh well, my strength is improving nicely since I returned to the gym, and I can tell I've put on some muscle, so I'll just have to do a better job of curbing my gluttonous tendencies. But 227 lbs? Are you serious?


  1. I never thought I'd weigh less than you, but I'm sitting at about 208 these days. I'm sure, though, your bench max puts mine to shame (I don't even know what mine is).

  2. That's great, lawdude! Have you lost weight swimming across the sound for work every morning or what? Wish I was going to be there to grab a bite with you in a few weeks. Next time...
