Tuesday, February 9, 2010

February 9, 2010: Take the Munchkins Bowling

We "celebrated" another snow day by taking the kids bowling. The little monsters/sweethearts needed to get out of the house, and with another storm hitting as I type, they'll be home from school and cooped up inside again tomorrow. L bowled a bumper assisted 78; I attempted to figure out how real bowlers get the side spin going. I threw more strikes in one game than I ever have, but I also threw it in the gutter at least as many times, so the final score wasn't very impressive. I went to the gym tonight; I'm guessing I'll regret that choice as I'm shoveling snow again tomorrow.


  1. Yeah, yeah, you are just trying to explain why your wife beat you! HA!

  2. OH YEAH! Julie WAS the BIG WINNER BABY!! She had an awesome game!
