Monday, June 21, 2010

June 19, 2010: Woods, Ticks, and Fall Plans

I took my boy out Saturday morning to a little 5 acre plot I lucked into a while ago to scout it out for some October recreation.  It's surrounded by about 350 acres of woods, so even if it's only a small piece of land, it's in the middle of a suburban wildlife magnet.  It happens also to be a tick magnet, and this year in NoVA is worse than any I've seen since I arrived to the area.  We did a tick check as soon as we got home and found a grand total of 15 between the two of us.  Most of them were in our clothes or still crawling around looking for a warm meal, but still, 15!!  Yesterday, the boy came to me and said, "Dad, I have a bump on my head, and I think it's a tick."  Yup, make that 16.  Nasty.  Stuff like that makes me want to flee back to the [supposedly] wild west--where I never saw a tick despite spending the majority of the summer outside.  At least we got to see a wild turtle sitting in the woods munching on a big mushroom.  L thought that was pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. Seeing the wild turtle sounds pretty cool but just thinking about ticks creeps me out. We are being bombarded by millions of mosquitoes this summer in our neighborhood. I don't dare go outside after 5:00 p.m. We have aphids on our flowers and something is eating the leaves on my marigolds in the backyard. Bugs are definitely pests! Mom
