Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010: Waterskiing is More Awesome Than Watching Soccer on TV

My plan for the day was to take advantage of the wife, kids, and even the dog being out of town by doing some much needed organizing in our bedroom while watching World Cup soccer. My friends saved me from that sad plan. Waterskiing and spending time on the water with friends beats TV soccer any day. Thanks!


  1. i agree, waterskiing is inherently awesome, but the company was fun too!

  2. I guess that I could have watched a little soccer last weekend while in UT with the fam on vacation, but we opted for some wakeboarding at Willard. At least I can still clear the wake. Good to see that you are getting some water sports in too.

  3. It is always better to participate in a sport than to just watch any day! Mom
