Sunday, January 31, 2010

January 31, 2010: Two Crazy Boys Eager to Play in the Snow

Choosing today's picture was tough, because I had a few good ones. Even if this one reveals that I don't know how to work my camera in different lighting conditions, I just love what it says about the relationship of a boy and his dog. J snapped this during lunch as L and the dog stared longingly at the snow outside. Yes, we finally got out there, and the kids had a good time playing and doing their best to help shovel snow. The dog played too, and he was in heaven, but his good times were short lived, because he was a little too energetic for the neighbor kids, so I had to put him in the yard.


  1. I had to capture the few moments when L isn't chasing, tugging, racing, or wrestling with Captain! They are cute friends, though.

  2. That's a cute pic. Reminds me of times with Moki...not so much Oscar :)
