Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18, 2010: A Little Evidence of Our Blue-Collar Excursion

L picked up a stick-on tattoo yesterday at Bass Pro Shops. He doesn't know much about the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, but he was sure he knew that picture is an elk, so it's cool. I didn't realize the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation had chapters out here on the wrong coast, but it's cool that they do. They, like other hunting and fishing groups, preserve land for wildlife habitat. Groups like them have spared more land from development than environmentalists could ever dream of "saving." The difference is that environmental groups like open spaces for open spaces' sake--so they can sit in their offices in New York and DC enjoying the knowledge that such places still exist. Sports groups want open spaces so people can enjoy the richness that experiencing those places adds to life. They reach similar ends for very different reasons, but given the common goals, it's a little surprising they don't work together more often. What is it? Is the culture that produce Volvo driving, farmers' market shoppers and so different from the one that produces people who like to grow gardens and hunt wild game that the two can't see eye to eye even when their interests are aligned?

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