Sunday, July 4, 2010

July 4, 2010: Last Day in Georgia

Baby C was up early, as always, along with his big brother and sister.  The two older kids went and watched cartoons on their grandmother's bed while bubba and I went for a walk.  We saw two bunnies, but he was too busy yelling "dadadada" to care.  We returned to the cabin, and I took this shot as we walked up the drive.  Later, we ate lunch at a little dive in town before heading to Unicoi State Park where the forest rangers had some activities going for the kids.  L and I competed in the balloon toss.  It was a respectable effort, especially for a six year old, but we didn't win the coupons for free ice cream.  We ended the day hanging out at the cabin, grilling some chicken and eating more than our share of watermelon.  No fireworks for us this year, because there is only one road in and out of Helen, and we were told not to expect to get out of there before about 1 a.m. if we stayed to watch the show.  I believe it, because traffic was backed up for a few miles just to get into the little town this afternoon.  We hit the road early tomorrow.

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